“Fire, everywhere” live performance at Baerenzwinger on August 5

»Fire, everywhere« 

Performance by Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu

5. August 2023, from 13 until 19

Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu, 2023. Photo: Layton Lachman.
On Saturday, 5 August 2023 from 1 to 7 pm, Bärenzwinger invites you to the performance by Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu. The site-specific installation “Fire, everywhere” (2023) by Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu addresses the stigmatisation and resilience of queer communities from past to present. The performance draws lines between violence and empowerment through the symbolism of boxing/punching. During the six-hour-long performance, Leman conducts a physical investigation into how to create a ground for taking care of oneself and the other in a demanding situation, such as a constant fight represented through the action/gesture of boxing/punching. The act of boxing/punching is turning into an embodied research crossing the lines of queer shame, guilt, anger, vulnerability, strength, resilience, resistance, fighting/hiding. The live performance joins the constellation of three video performances, a sound piece and a set of latex sculptures already on view in the exhibition.

Free admission
Relaxed performance, drop-in and drop-out anytime possible
The performance contains English and Turkish spoken language
Seating available (cushions and benches), no pre-registration necessary

The finissage on 6 August 2023 will feature an Artist Talk between Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu and Zippora Elders at 4 pm.

In the framework of the exhibition
“Heart Beats”
26.5. – 6.8.2023
with Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu and Martin Toloku

Curated by
Malte Pieper and Maja Smoszna

“Heart Beats” is the second part of the annual programme GLEANING

With the kind support of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Exhibition Remuneration Fund and Exhibition Fund for Municipal Galleries. The work of Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu was supported by SAHA Association – Supporting Contemporary Art from Turkey.
Upcoming Events

28.7.2023, 6 pm
Curatorial tour of the exhibition
with Maja Smoszna and Malte Pieper

6/8/2023, 4 pm
Artist Talk with Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu and Zippora Elders

17/8/2023, 7 pm
Exhibition opening of »Becomings« 
with Sarah Oh-Mock and Helin Ulas
Doors open for kids & family, 5 pm

Details of events will be published on www.baerenzwinger.berlin

Rungestraße 30 | 10179 Berlin
+49 30 901 837 461

Der Bärenzwinger ist eine Einrichtung des Bezirksamts Mitte von Berlin | Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur | Fachbereich Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte.

Dienstag – Sonntag 11 – 19 Uhr | Der Eintritt ist frei.

Das Gebäude ist barrierefrei erreichbar. Gäste mit Kommunikations- bzw.
Assistenzhilfebedarf melden diesen bitte unter der Rufnummer (030) 9018 37461
oder per E-Mail an info@baerenzwinger.berlin an.

U8 Heinrich-Heine Straße, U2 Märkisches Museum
U+S Jannowitzbrücke, Bus 165, 265, 248

Künstlerisches Leitungsteam
Vanessa Göppner, Julius Kaftan, Malte Pieper, Lusin Reinsch,
Maja Smoszna, Joana Stamer, Cleo Wächter

Produktionsleitung: Juliane Beddermann
Grafik: Viktor Schmidt
