Hello, I’m leman, a woman artist from Turkey [Installation]


Mixed media installation: 1 handmade notebook, 1 printed notebook, 1 video performance

Hello, I’m leman, a woman artist from Turkey, which is been created for the “Asian Women Artists” exhibition, is an installation, in which Leman S. Darıcıoğlu questions the identity classifications that are carved on us. The installation, that roots from the idea that sex and national identity categories are carved on our very bodies, consists of a video performance named the same as the installation and two notebooks: A hand-made and a printed text written by Darıcıoğlu called the diary of the body, desire, love and transformation.

The hand-made notebook, on which the artist stitched, what reads as ‘A WOMAN ARTIST FROM TURKEY’, (also named as “A woman artist from Turkey”), while inducing a transition between the video-performance and the diary of the body, desire, love and transformation, and at the same time whispering, that identities are formed by a gathering and a performative repetition. the diary of the body, desire, love and transformation puts forward a state of existence beyond assigned identities through a confidential narrative. The spine of the narrative -as it is understandable from its name- is made of sex, gender, sexuality, desire, body and transformation on the self through them.